Review of I want to start by saying by Samuel Ace in Foglifter
Review of Ripcord by Nate Lippens in Foglifter
In New AIDS Activist Memoir, Keiko Lane Aims to Articulate the Inexpressible: Interview with Keiko Lane about Blood Loss: A Love Story of AIDS, Activism, and Art, in Truthout
New Biography Opens a Portal into the Life and Work of Audre Lorde: Interview with Alexis Pauline Gumbs about Survival Is Not A Promise, in Truthout
Interview with Stacey D’Erasmo about The Long Run: A Creative Inquiry in Los Angeles Review of Books
Interview with Erica Cardwell about Wrong Is Not My Name: Essays on (Black) Art in BOMB Magazine
A Writer’s Memorial to a Lover, and an Era, Lost to AIDS: A review of After Ed by Robert Glück, for the New York Times Book Review
A Joyful Sound for Interlude Docs
Daniel Allen Cox on letting desire lead the way: An interview in Xtra
A New History of Modernism: Lesbian, Feminist, Fragmented: A review of After Sappho by Selby Wynn Schwartz, for the New York Times Book Review
What Lessons Can We Draw from the Time the Wealthy Fled New York?: An interview with Jeremiah Moss about Feral City in Truthout
Monkeypox Is Yet Another Global Health Crisis Fueled by Governmental Neglect in Truthout
Writing on Your Own Terms in Literary Hub
Occasions for Revolutionary Change: Cara Hoffman Interviewed by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore in BOMB Magazine
Chrysanthemums from Seismic: Seattle, City of Literature, republished on SAL/ON: A Blog of Seattle Arts and Lectures
Departing from the Template: An Interview with McKenzie Wark in BOMB Magazine
Review of Later: My Life at the Edge of the World in the San Francisco Chronicle
On the Dangers of Nostalgia: A 1990s Reading List in Lit Hub
Naming Fears: Vivek Shraya on Vulnerability as a Tool for Transformation in Bitch
Living with Contradiction: On Weight of the Earth, David Wojnarowicz’s Tape Journals, in BOMB Magazine
My Romantic Life, in Evergreen Review
A Displaced Body: “Sick” and the Elusive Search for Wellness, an interview with Porochista Khakpour in Bitch
What Hovers Beyond Language: An Interview with Jennifer Natalya Fink in BOMB Magazine
We Are Always Crossing: An Interview with Alexis Pauline Gumbs in BOMB Magazine
Laughing in the Face of Patriarchy: A Conversation with Myriam Gurba in Truthout
Swords Into Marketshare: Why trans inclusion in the military is the wrong fight, in the Baffler
To Lie Is to Try: Two Books on Kathy Acker, in BOMB Magazine
Review of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, in the San Francisco Chronicle
Monster Love: Two Books Interrogate Mothers Real and Imagined, a review of Kate Zambreno’s work in Bookforum
Dreaming beyond fiction and nonfiction, a review of Bruja by Wendy C. Ortiz in Seattle Review of Books
A New Understanding of Loyalty, an interview with Sarah Schulman in Truthout
Transgender Troops Should Be an Oxymoron, in Truthout
The skin of the unconscious, ripped open, review of Pretty Much Deadby Daphne Gottlieb in Seattle Review of Books
I’ll put still emerging on my gravestone, interview with Robert Glück in Seattle Review of Books
The True Voice of Gay Culture in Queen Mob’s Teahouse
Review of The Cosmopolitans by Sarah Schulman in San Francisco Chronicle
Review of Bullies: A Friendship by Alex Abramovich in San Francisco Chronicle
Longing for Something Different, an Interview with Erick Lyle in Los Angeles Review of Books
Review of The Narrow Door: A Memoir of Friendship by Paul Lisicky in San Francisco Chronicle
Review of When the Sick Rule the World by Dodie Bellamy in San Francisco Chronicle
“Writing Against Complacency,” interview with Jessa Crispin about The Dead Ladies Project in Los Angeles Review of Books
Review of Dryland by Sara Jaffe in San Francisco Chronicle
Review of Visions and Revisions by Dale Peck in San Francisco Chronicle
Review of the HBO series Looking in The New Inquiry
Review of Dispatches Against Displacement in the San Francisco Chronicle
Review of Hold Tight Gently in the San Francisco Chronicle
"My Amtrak Residency" in Bookslut
Review of Sex Workers Unite in the San Francisco Chronicle
“A Movement That’s a Little More Radical” in the New York Times
Firing Desire: Communal Possibilities in the Life and Work of David
Wojnarowicz in Bookslut
“Community Spirit”: The New Gay Patriot and the Right to Fight in
Unjust Wars in We Who Feel Differently
Review of Justin Torres’ We the Animals in Bookslut
We Die, You Get Married on The Bilerico Project
Review of Eileen Myles’ Inferno in Bookslut
A Fine Romance: Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and Lieutenant Dan Choi on The Bilerico Project
"Get Hitched or Get Ditched" in The Skinny
"Down With Legitimacy" in the San Francisco Bay Guardian
"Why I'm Not Celebrating" on AlterNet
"Milked" in the San Francisco Bay Guardian
"Lust and Loss" in the San Francisco Bay Guardian
Review of Masha Tupitsyn’s Beauty Talk & Monsters in Bookslut
Review of Norah Vincent's Self-Made Man in Bitch
"Designer Impostor: Behind JT LeRoy's literary spell" in Bitch
Karen Finley and Cindy Sheehan in the San Francisco Bay Guardian
On Looking for Love in Places Without in Clamor
Review of Gregg Bordowitz and Larry Kramer, in the San Francisco Bay Guardian
"Assimilation and its Discontents," in the San Francisco Bay Guardian
"Why the Gay Rights Movement is a Sham," in LiP Magazine
Tour Diary Continued in the Gay and Lesbian Review
Dangerous Families Tour Article in The Stranger